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Organization: Concern Worldwide

Country: Kenya

Closing date: 07 Dec 2014
The SWIFT Consortium (Consortium for Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Fragile Contexts) aims to deliver sustainable access to safe water and sanitation and encourage the adoption of basic hygiene practice in DRC, Kenya and Liberia. The consortium is led by Oxfam and funded with UK aid from the British people.

Concern World Wide is one of the partners for the Kenya programme, and will be implementing Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) activities in 3 sub counties of Marsabit County, North Eastern Kenya, namely: Laisamis, Chalbi and Moyale. The overall objective of Concern’s Programme component is to enable a minimum of 30,000 poor people in Marsabit County gain access to safe and sustainable WASH services. For 2015, a key outcome related to this is for at least 900 people to be using improved sanitation facilities which align with national standards. Concern will focus on addressing factors that inhibit scale up of sanitation coverage within target communities through promoting behavioral transformation to ignite change in the thinking and practice of communities around issues of sanitation. This will be undertaken through the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach, a demand led, zero subsidies approach aimed increasing latrine coverage. This will include; identifying and selecting of target communities; CLTS triggering in target communities; follow up to promote construction of non-subsidy household latrines for 900 people; monitoring, evaluating and documenting the process..
To ensure that Concern’s staff, Concern’s implementing partners’ staff and the relevant Government Authorities in Marsabit County (Ministry of Public Health) are equipped with the necessary understanding, skills and capacity to implement these activities. In relation to this, Concern wishes to engage a Consultant to train them in the CLTS approach.
Methodology and Technical Approach:
The consultant(s) will employ both quantitative and qualitative techniques in undertaking the consultancy.
S/he will base their work on theoretical as well as practical field training and testing. Participation is a crucial
element for any work undertaken within Concern Worldwide hence the consultant should ensure the inclusion
of the views and ideas of Concern and partner staff and beneficiaries.
The consultant is expected to undertake the following tasks:
  • Develop training tools
  • Conduct Pre-training Evaluation of staff knowledge and skills in CLTS approach
  • Conduct CLTS training using developed tools and undertake community level pilot pre-triggering and triggering sessions.
  • Develop a CLTS community level training Manual, Guidelines and steps for the Marsabit project in Consultation with Concern staff.
  • Develop and train staff on M&E Tools that can be used for CLTS
  • Conduct a Post-Training Evaluation on staff Knowledge and skills in CLTS approach
  • Write and submit a training report.
Concern will:
  • Provide the consultant with transport, accommodation and meals while in the field
  • Invite participants, prepare them for the training and organize training venue
  • Provide stationary and other materials that may be required for the training.
  • Pay the consultants fee and all other costs outlined in the contract upon submission and acceptance of the consultancy report and other related materials
Working Conditions:
The consultant will work under the Guidance of the FIM Programme Coordinator and under the direct oversight of the Concern WASH Project Officer for Hygiene and Sanitation.
Expected Outputs/Deliverables:
  • A pre-training evaluation of staff knowledge and skills in CLTS approach undertaken
  • A set of CLTs training tools developed
  • CLTs training undertaken for 20 staff using developed tools
  • A community level pilot pre-triggering and triggering session undertaken with the 20 staff
  • A CLTS community level training Manual, Guidelines and Steps for the Marsabit project developed
  • CLTS M&E tools developped and staff trained in their use
  • A post-training evaluation undertaken on staff knowledge and skills in CLTS approach
The final deliverable is a final report, containing finalised versions of all outputs (CLTS training tools, CLTS community level training Manual, Guidelines and Steps, CLTS M&E Tools, Pre and Post Training evaluations and reports).
The remuneration will be commensurate with the successful applicant’s experience and the prevailing market rate. The final payment will be made upon satisfactory submission of all the aforementioned deliverables.
Consultant’s Profile or Qualifications:
  • Post Graduate level studies in Public Health, Social science or any other WASH related discipline, with specific, recognised training in CLTS.
  • Experience in rural sanitation programming in Kenya, specifically in an ASAL context, and in other ASAL contexts in the Horn of Africa
  • Experience in conducting CLTS training in Kenya, specifically in an ASAL context, and in other ASAL contexts in the Horn of Africa
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication and report writing skills
  • Fluent in both oral and written English

How to apply:

Interested applicants who meet the above requirements should send their proposals, CV and cover letter addressed to the HR Manager, Concern Worldwide, Nairobi to the following email address: nairobi.hr@concern.net with the subject of the email as ‘Consultant –CLTS Training’
The closing date for applications is Sunday, 7th December 2014.
Each application should include three referees who can validate technical expertise. Telephone contacts must be submitted with the application.


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